Sculpture Painting Jewellery

Hi, all Srigowri Rajesh on the blog today to share ways of how aesthetically we can create a piece of jewelry using sculpture painting technique. It will be unique and a show-stopper. Without any delay will start…

Step 1


Take a heart shape MDF jewelry base and apply Little Birdie Snow Spread sculpture paste. You can use any shape as you wish.


With a palette knife scoop the some Red Velvet color sculpture paste. Since it’s a small base use the no.1 size knife.

Step 2

Arrange the petals like a rose. The first row of petals are done. Next, move on to the second one.

Step 3

Do the petals according to the size and design. Here I stopped at the 3rd rows.

Step 4


Make the leaves with green sculpture paste.

Step 5


Attach a chain and design it however you want.

Viola!!! Your show stopper jewellery is ready to style you.


Thank you for stopping by.

Materials :

Little Birdie Sculpture Paste 400gm- Snow Spread

Little Birdie Sculpture Paste 400 gm – Red Velvet

Little Birdie MDF Base Coaster Heart – 4inch X 3.5inch

Little Birdie Sculpture Paste 400gm- Seaweed

Little Birdie Wooden Palette Knife – 17.2cm






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